Ordering Information
For current dealers you can submit orders in a variety of ways:
- Email your PO to: SALES@TFIWOOD.CA
- Call in your PO to: 1-800-361-3348
- Fax in your PO to: 1-905-768-1125
Use Our Order Form
Many dealers choose to use our order form. It has all of our products and bundle sizes included so you know exactly how many units to order. Simply download the PDF or Excel version and add in your desired number of lifts, add store information and PO and attach it to an email and send it to us: SALES@TFIWOOD.CA
Pro tip: Once you download the form, keep a copy as your ‘template’ and make a duplicate every time you order.
Near Hagersville? Consider Picking Up!
Many local dealers prefer to pick up their pressure treated lumber directly from our facility. This can be especially handy for rush orders or to pick-up and deliver right to your customers.
- 304 Concession 11, Hagersville, Ontario
- (West off HWY 6, South of Hagersville)

We supplier LBMAO members throughout Southern Ontario. Stretching as far north as Parry Sound, east to Kingston, and south to Windsor.
We are based in Hagersville, Ontario.